Acerca de

From the very outset we believed that the building should have a theme in order to maintain a consistent approach during the concept’s development, so as to ensure harmony between the architectural design, colour schemes and materials used.
Malta’s Pharoah Hound – ‘Il-Kelb Tal-Fenek’ - represents every element that we wanted to convey through the building. Firstly, the Pharoah Hound is light, agile and extremely fast – all qualities one needs in today’s business environment in order to thrive. Its sleek lines, sharp angles, and earthy-brown colour are all faithfully incorporated into the building and are immediately noticeable.
How did the name 'Nu-Bis come about? ‘Nu-bis is a play on word with the word ‘Anubis’ which was the Egyptian god with the head of the Pharoah Hound. The fact that Anubis featured the sounds ‘new’ and ‘biz’ just helped reinforce the theme and made an interesting story to tell.
The entrepreneurial minds behind our award-winning Business Centre.

Nicholas Zahra is a second-generation entrepreneur involved in businesses which fall in two groups; financial services, and non-financial services. His endeavours in the financial sector include a turnkey asset management platform, fund management, pension trustee services, advisory and wealth management, lending and leasing operations and payment services. His non-financial involvements include automotive services, tourism, pest control and property development.
A graduate of the CFA Institute, Nicholas’ key interests are geopolitics, history and current affairs, followed by financial markets, and civil engineering. His unique combination of interests provides him with an excellent macro view and a long-term, international perspective, which he uses to draw up long term forecasts and applies to his businesses.
Lawrence Buttigieg, B.Acc(Hons) previously worked for PWC specialising in financial services, getting extensive experience in audits and consultancy appointments for funds, banks and other licensed entities, including a long term appointment within PWC’s Banking and Capital Markets division in New York City. He later joined Fexserv as a Group Financial Controller, whereby he progressed to build the fund services arm of the Group before being appointed as Group COO and subsequently CEO in 2012.
He also sits on the committee of the Malta Funds Industry Association. He is a qualified accountant and holds an Honours degree in Accountancy and a Bachelor of Commerce degree at the University of Malta.